Sailing in Grenada and St. Vincent & the Grenadines is simply breathtaking. Exploring these tropical Caribbean islands by sailing boat is the best way to experience Caribbean culture, food and nature. If it is your first time sailing in Grenada or the Grenadines, there are plenty of helpful resources both online and as printed reference materials.
Online & Printed Resources For Sailing in Grenada & SVG
Sailing in Grenada & SVG – Online Resources
If you are looking for first person advice about this cruising region, Facebook has a very active user base with information added daily about events, anchorages, businesses, safety and security, and local tips. Some good local Facebook cruisers groups are:
Grenada Cruisers Information Facebook Group:
- Grenada Cruisers Coming Events and Advertising Facebook Group:
- Carriacou Cruisers Facebook Group:
- Coconut Telegraph Facebook Group:
- Caribbean Navigator Facebook Group:
- St. Vincent & the Grenadines Cruisers Facebook Group:
- Eastern Caribbean Cruisers’ Discussion Facebook Group:
- Caribbean Navigator Facebook Group:
- Grenada Bluewater Sailing Facebook Page (us!):
Grenada broadcasts a morning Cruisers’ Net which is associated with the Grenada Cruisers Information Facebook group. Tune in on VHF channel 66 international at 07:30hrs from Monday-Saturday.
Sailing in Grenada & SVG – Printed Reference Material
Chris Doyle has been publishing his sailing guides for this Caribbean region for many years and is a well known cruiser in our islands. We highly recommend buying his guide for the Windward Islands!! He adds updates to his 2015-2016 Sailor’s Guide to the Windward Islands at:
Imray Charts B32, B31 and B311 are great to buy and become familiar with before you come sailing in Grenada and SVG. Plan your trip and make notes beforehand! Most charter boats will have copies of these charts, but it always nice to bring your own to annotate.
Caribbean Compass is a free monthly publication that covers regional Caribbean news, cruiser’s experiences and local insights into our active marine industry sector. The Caribbean Compass is available in print at many local outlets or online here: